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TMS Therapy Chicago, Illinois

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Are you looking for TMS Therapy in the state of Illinois? Our Treatment Center GIA provides the most cutting-edge and up-to-date evidence-based techniques custom-designed to meet your specific needs.

TMS Therapy Illinois Chicago

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive and FDA-approved therapy that uses gentle magnetic pulses to stimulate different parts of the brain. For more than three decades, millions of people have benefitted from it. Certain sections of the brain are underactive or overactive in those that suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. Their activation can have significant effects on mood, desires, and other symptoms.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive treatment that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate the brain to treat neurological and behavioral disorders. It may improve or even cure some people who have failed with other treatments – TMS has the potential to alter people’s lives.

How Does TMS Therapy Work? TMS Therapy Illinois

TMS works by passing electrical pulses over the surface of the head. These pulses flow painlessly through the scalp and reach the brain cells beneath. In general, slower pulses calm brain cells down, while faster pulses make them more active. These changes in cell activity can have notable effects on both mood and behavior. 

TMS is a safe and effective therapy that the FDA approved in 2008 as a treatment for clinical depression. It has far fewer side effects than most medicines – the most common side effect is mild scalp discomfort that quickly goes away. 

Can I Benefit from TMS Therapy? Illinois TMS Center

Medical doctors, psychologists, and therapists initially used TMS as a treatment for clinical depression to increase activity in certain areas of the brain. Since then, experts worldwide have recognized the potential of TMS to treat other mental disorders which cause or result from brain changes.

Pioneering clinical studies by GIA’s founder Dr. Antonello Bonci and collaborators created strong evidence for the effectiveness of TMS in aiding recovery from mental health disorders. Dr. Bonci and colleagues worldwide continue their research daily to increase our understanding and optimize the technique to help patients in their recovery journey.

At GIA Chicago, we offer TMS to treat depression, anxiety, as well as TMS for OCD.

What Can I Expect from TMS?

TMS is a non-invasive procedure with no long-term side effects. You remain awake throughout the session and can communicate with the therapist at all times. The experience is simple and painless, and you can drive yourself to and from sessions.

Your TMS session will begin with a ‘mapping session’ where the therapist uses magnetic pulses to find the location and intensity of the stimulation that you need.

Once they have found the location, they begin to stimulate the cells. Sessions typically last twenty to fifty minutes, five days a week, over four to six weeks. 

What Is TMS therapy Used For?

TMS can play a role in treating a range of mental disorders, especially for clients who have been resistant to other forms of treatment. It can be a life-changing experience that turns a client’s recovery journey around.

TMS for Anxiety Disorders

As touched on above, clinical trials have demonstrated that TMS produces promising results in clients with anxiety disorders, including OCD and PTSD.

Recent research suggests that using a high-frequency pulse on the right side of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is most effective in treating anxiety disorders. Still, high and low-frequency pulses on both sides of the brain may also offer good results.

TMS for Depression

The FDA has approved transcranial magnetic stimulation as an effective treatment for major depressive disorder, leading to long-term improvements in mood and behavior. Research has also found that over 50% of people living with clinical depression may benefit from TMS therapy.

TMS can improve depression symptoms in clients with treatment-resistant depression who have not responded to other depression treatments like antidepressant medications or talk therapy. It also has far fewer side effects than antidepressant medication, which can lead to weight gain and high blood pressure.

TMS for Bipolar Disorder

TMS can be an effective treatment for symptoms of bipolar disorder as it can increase the excitability of brain activity in the target area of the brain, improving symptoms of depression.

While studies have found that it may induce manic or hypomanic symptoms through stimulation, almost all bipolar disorder treatments carry this risk.

TMS for Teens and Kids

Mood disorders like depression are widespread among children and teens across the world. Inadequate treatment can lead to conduct disorders, illness, poor performance at school, and a greater risk of suicide.

The good news is that depression in teens is treatable and can open the doors to the future they dream of. TMS therapy can be an effective treatment for young people with depression, and the procedure’s minimal side effects and accessibility make it an attractive option for young people who may want to fit TMS treatment alongside their work or studies.

What Is Deep TMS Therapy?

Deep TMS therapy is a form of TMS therapy that uses special combinations of coils. These coils produce electromagnetic pulses that reach below the surface of the skull, and different coils are used to reach each brain region.

The FDA has approved deep TMS with the ‘H1’ coil for the treatment of people with treatment-resistant depression who have not responded to psychotherapy or medicine.

How Much Does TMS Therapy Cost?

TMS therapy can be one of the most cost-effective treatments for depression and other medical conditions. Many insurance providers cover TMS therapy under certain conditions. We accept a number of insurances as well as have payment options. To get more information contact us. We are available 24 hours a day.

Is TMS Treatment the Same As Shock Therapy?

Electroshock therapy (ECT) involves applying electrical currents directly to the client’s head when they are sedated by anesthesia. While it can lead to short-term cognitive improvements, it is an invasive procedure that may require someone to take a break from work and home responsibilities.

On the other hand, TMS therapy is non-invasive, passing electromagnetic currents through the skull. It is completely pain-free and has few side effects other than a temporary mild headache or skull discomfort.

Who Should Avoid TMS Treatment?

Clients who have permanent metal implants in their heads other than dental braces or fillings should not receive TMS therapy. The electromagnetic signals could cause these implants to heat up, move, or function incorrectly, risking injury or death.

Implants that prevent a client from participating in TMS therapy include:

  • Deep brain stimulators
  • Aneurysm coils or clips
  • Tattoos on the face with metallic or magnetic ink
  • Electrodes that monitor brain activity
  • Any other metal medical devices or objects in or near the head

Those considering TMS treatment should also speak with a doctor if they:

  • Take any medication
  • Have a history of seizures
  • Have a family history of epilepsy
  • Live with co-occurring mental disorders
  • Have a brain injury
  • Have had other medical conditions
  • Have previously been treated with TMS
  • Are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant

What Are the Side-Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation?

Side effects of TMS treatment are usually mild to moderate and improve soon after each session. They also tend to decrease as clients participate in sessions throughout their treatment.

Common side effects may include:

  • Headache
  • Scalp discomfort
  • Tingling, spasms, or twitching of facial muscles
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness

Though these side effects are mild, doctors may be able to reduce them by adjusting the intensity of the magnetic fields. There is currently not enough evidence regarding the long-term side effects of TMS treatment.

Mental Wellness Treatment and Neurodiversity – TMS Therapy Near Me

Neurodiversity refers to the difference between the parts of the brain that impact the way people socialize, learn, feel, and behave. Neurodiversity supports the view that when a brain functions differently, it is not a disability or an illness that needs to be treated. Instead, those struggling should think about adapting their social structures to accommodate their differences. People living with autism (TMS for Autism), Parkinson’s, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (TMS for ADHD), and other conditions may describe themselves as neurodiverse.

At GIA Chicago, our treatment programs accommodate neurodiversity. We recognize that neurodiverse clients may experience conditions and respond to treatments differently. Our experts consider neurodiversity when designing treatment plans which may include TMS therapy.

What Is the Success Rate of TMS Therapy?

The success rate of TMS therapy depends on the medical conditions it is being used to treat. For many conditions, scientists need to do more research to determine accurate rates. However, the evidence so far is very promising.

Research has shown that up to 62% of people living with depression experience complete remission, meaning that they no longer experience any symptoms of depression. Other studies have found that symptoms of anxiety improve by 33%.

How Many Sessions Does It Take for TMS to Work?

Every client is different. Some clients may notice small changes in a standard course of TMS after one to two weeks (5 – 10 sessions), while others start to see improvements in the fourth or fifth week (20 – 25 sessions). It’s recommended that clients complete an entire course of treatment regardless of when they first see improvements.

Is TMS Painful?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a relatively painless procedure that can be a lifeline for clients struggling with their mental wellness. It is a safe and non-invasive procedure with fewer side effects than other treatment options.

Will TMS Work for Me?

Many people try TMS when other treatment methods do not work. It can be a life-changing experience, with two-thirds of people achieving complete remission after treatment. But it is important to note that the TMS experience does not work for everyone.

Contact us today to learn more about TMS and discuss whether it is the best alternative treatment method for you.

Can TMS Make You Worse?

There is no evidence that Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation can worsen symptoms of any condition the treatment is often prescribed for. However, it is possible that for people with certain conditions, TMS is not a viable treatment and they may experience negative effects. Clinical studies of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder show mixed results. 

Can TMS Damage Your Brain?

TMS is entirely non-invasive. Therefore it does not require any form of surgery or the implantation of electrodes. There is no evidence that TMS treatments damage the brain in any way, as long as a person has been confirmed a suitable candidate for TMS by their primary care physician, TMS provider, or other qualified doctors.

What does TMS Therapy feel like?

The physical sensations experienced by patients during a treatment session are like moderate tapping or knocking on the skull, caused by the magnetic pulses generated by the TMS machine. While few patients would describe TMS as actually pleasant, it is not uncommon for people to doze off during treatment, and even those who enjoy it least would most likely describe it as unpleasant rather than painful.

Can TMS Change Your Personality?

TMS cannot fundamentally change your personality, either temporarily or permanently.

By alleviating symptoms of major depression and other mental health concerns, TMS may lead to significant changes in mood and behavior. However, rather than changing your personality, TMS helps you reconnect with your inner-self, rediscover your passions, and express yourself to the full.

How Long Does TMS Therapy Last?

A typical course of TMS therapy consists of daily sessions for six to nine weeks. Some providers may reduce the frequency of sessions towards the end of the TMS treatment process, while others may offer twice-daily sessions.

Most TMS sessions last from 20-40 minutes. Your first treatment session, known as the mapping session, is usually a little longer.

How Long Does It Take for TMS to Start Working?

There is significant variation in the time it takes for clients to experience the first improvements. While some clients notice results in the first week, others may see changes in the fourth or fifth week. If you notice improvements later than other people, this does not mean that the treatment is ineffective.

Is TMS Treatment Safe?

TMS is a safe, non-invasive treatment that is FDA-approved for major depression. TMS also has very few side effects than other treatment methods like antidepressant medications.

The most common side-effects of TMS treatment are mild to moderate scalp discomfort at the treatment site and temporary headaches at the end of a session. These side effects often reduce as you progress through the treatment course.

TMS Treatment Near me in Chicago, IL

TMS can be a life-changing treatment for a range of mental disorders. It enables many to resume normal activities, such as work and home responsibilities, as soon as their session ends.

To find out more about TMS therapy, contact us today for a free consultation.

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