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About Us

A World-Class Treatment Experience

Who We Are
Who We Support
What We Offer

Who We Are

Our group of specialists is a multicultural, multilingual team of healthcare experts with diverse educational backgrounds. We are all in agreement on one thing: that the treatment of substance use disorders and mental health issues must be led by the latest neuroscience and psychological research.

Our mission is at the heart of every diagnosis, treatment plan, and clinical decision we make. Our individualized program is based on evidence and expert advice. You will have support every step of the way to ensure you reach your mental wellness goals. Every member of our staff has extensive clinical experience so we can deliver the highest quality care possible.

Our founder, Dr. Antonello Bonci is a well-known expert on mental health and TMS therapy. He has over 35 years of experience researching, diagnosing, and treating a variety of substance use disorders. He brings his extensive knowledge to our programs and patients every day.

Who We Support

The path to mental wellness can be life-changing. It can open the door to a world of possibilities for self-fulfillment, social connection, and overall well-being. We believe that every person should have the opportunity to make this change.

At GIA, we have options for individuals who are uninsured, underinsured or feel they are lacking in the financial resources they require to get help. Our flexible outpatient facilities ensure that a busy schedule or work and home responsibilities are not an obstacle on your path to recovery. Our new telehealth program allows us to serve an even broader range of patients.

Sometimes, the biggest barrier is knowing where to start. Our staff can offer compassionate expert advice and talk you through the next steps.

GIA Chicago supports individuals living with depression, OCD, PTSD, and other mental health issues to take back their lives. Reach out to us today.

What We Offer

At GIA, our visionary program involves a range of cutting-edge, evidence-based approaches to treat mental health issues and promote mental wellness.

Our founder, Dr. Bonci, and his team are pioneers in the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as a treatment for a broad range of mental disorders. TMS involves the non-invasive use of electromagnetic pulses to stimulate certain parts of the brain.

While the FDA and wider medical community have already confirmed the effectiveness and safety of TMS in treating depression and anxiety disorders, Bonci’s seminal work has highlighted its potential as a mental health treatment. At GIA, we offer these ground-breaking treatments to our patients, providing each individual we meet with the best possible support on their journey to mental wellness.

Alongside TMS, we provide a range of other evidence-based treatment approaches, including medical detoxification, psychotherapeutic interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, group therapy, and pharmacotherapy services.

Our commitment

Pioneering the world of non-invasive brain stimulation
Life wants you back. Now.

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Our Facilities

Our modern center is designed to provide a peaceful and stress-free environment for your recuperation. The serenity of the area allows you to unwind between treatments while removing any distractions, leaving you to focus fully on therapy.

We have everything you need to get started with your new journey at our center, including state-of-the-art classrooms, a library, a cafeteria, private patient rooms, peaceful treatment rooms, yoga classes and massage treatments.

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Our Location

Our address is
25 E Washington Street,
STE 1462 Chicago,
IL 60602

The location and the beautiful neighborhoods around here are perfect for relaxing. Our team can help you find discounted accommodation at a nearby hotel if you want to stay overnight.

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Custom TMS Therapy

At GIA, we customize each treatment plan and therapeutic technique based on needs of our patients.

Our program will enable you to be involved in the healing process. Our expert team will work with you to create a custom plan for mental wellness and mental therapy. This will give you the tools and skills you need for lasting mental and physical wellness

Jessica Edelstein Montero outlines how GIA Chicago understands how patients suffering from mental health issues may feel scared or alone as they initiate treatment. Therapies designed to include these feelings improve the effectiveness of treatment.

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We offer the most advanced treatment technologies and highest care
Get the help you deserve today

We offer the most advanced treatment technologies and highest care

Call Today (312) 847-1233
Image for  Our mission

Our mission

Optimize therapeutic techniques for mental health problems to enhance and promote life-long well-being using scientific breakthroughs with the goal of compassionately applying them to advance medical treatments for mental illnesses.

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Our philosophy

Scientific understanding aids in the development of more effective therapeutic treatment for mental health disorders, as well as the optimization of health through compassion and respect. Individualized therapy is essential.

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Our approach

Our vast variety of specialized tests allows us to identify patient health needs in a method that is both thorough and fast. The results of these analyses aid treatment by informing it about the best ways to improve health outcomes.

Image for  Our team

Our team

We are a multicultural and multilingual team, with members representing many different countries, languages, and educational backgrounds. All of our employees have received advanced degrees in mental health counseling and clinical service.

Pioneering the world of non-invasive brain stimulation and mental wellness

Life wants you back. Now.

Call Today (312) 847-1233
Contact Us

Helping you back to your best self

Visit us at
GIA Chicago
25 E Washington Street,
STE 1462,
Chicago, IL 60602
Have a Question? Call Us!
Call Today (312) 847-1233
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It's Time to Make a Change

We Can Help You on Your Path to Mental Wellness

Call Today (312) 847-1233

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